This number of Books for African Studies focuses on sport in Africa , looking at its history and its contemporary dynamics . Reflects , therefore, the course of the investigation of a gift in the context of the practices of leisure and the evolution of popular culture phenomenon on the continent . The interest in this subject, until recently considered marginal , is a recognition of its importance , not only as an autonomous and worthy object of a specific look , but also as a tool to access other spheres of knowledge about the history of colonial Africa and post -colonial . , This volume aims not only add knowledge about realities hitherto unexplored , but also suggest the discussion of the constituent processes of history from different countries and regions . Various items dialogue with themes that guide the development of studies on Africa. The colonial history is perhaps the most significant . The study of sport is privileged to examine the relationships between colonizers and colonized , forms of power , the formation of social groups , the processes of social exclusion and incorporation , also translated in the mechanisms of access or ban leisure environment. By focusing on the sport one reaches the experiences of the least studied social groups . Regarding the post- colonial context , are approached issues such as racial segregation , the construction of youth sociability , the transition to adulthood , and also the power of identity construction revealed through sport . Today , in Africa , practices and sports consumption are formed as languages through which they express projects and aspirations.
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