New number of the Journal Caderno de Estudos Africanos
Clara CarvalhoPatrick Chabal e a África Lusófona [Full text]
Philip J. Havik and Malyn Newitt
Marta Zorzal e SilvaCooperation South-South, foreign investments and development: Do new perspectives exist with the global south?
Sílvia Jorge and Vanessa MeloProcesses and dynamics of peri-urban space intervention: The case of Maputo
Marta PatrícioThe Mozambique-Zimbabwe border and the ndau: Cross-border practices and representations in Mozambique’s district of Mossurize (1975 to the present)
Jean-Nicolas BachA EPRDF e a construção da nação: Ajustes nas convicções e pragmatismo
Guillermo Martínez Pérez, Concepción Tomás Aznar and Harriet NamulondoTem tudo a ver com sexo: O que os homens zimbabueanos sabem do alongamento dos pequenos lábios vaginais
Fernando da Piedade CarvalhoThe Zanzibar dhow: The persistence of an ancient boat of Arabic origin and its socio-economic role in the present